lundi 15 novembre 2010


Que puis-je lui dire pour apaiser sa peine,
Ses joies ne naissent que du mal qu'elle traîne,
L'amertume la guette, ne cesse de la feindre,
Sur sa route vers l'horizon qu'elle ne put atteindre.

Dans ce tunnel sans issue elle se fane et s'use,
Chaque pas, un peu plus sous terre, l'enlise,
Tout juste croit-elle s'affranchir de ses chaines,
Qu'un destin plus astreignant l'afflige et l’emmène

Ainsi elle déambulait sans destination aucune,
Et meme quand elle en avait, lui manquait la fortune,
Du passé palustre, elle voudrait tant s'extraire,
Voler un bout du temps au temps, sortir à la lumière.

Ah qu'elle voudrait un jour
Se voir pousser des ailes,
A bord d'une etoile filante faire le tour,
D'une voie lactée de rêves rendus réels.


Que puis-je lui dire pour apaiser sa peine,
Elle poursuit ses chimères à en perdre haleine,
Seule la folie pourra lui être délivrance,
Sur ses lèvres bourgeonnera, enfin, l’appétence,
Pour l'objet tant convoité de ses désirs enfouis,
Et la sève recoulera là où elle naguère tarit.

L'insurrection du rêve évincera
Le néant de son coeur,
Sous d'autres formes, reprendra,
Le cycle -délicieusement infernal- de l'amour..
Et de la douleur...

samedi 6 novembre 2010


Honey is horny tonight,
holds it right,
says he misses me,
keeps on kissing me,
whispers in my ear
things I long to hear,
kinky words unsaid,
then rolls me on his bed...

Honey is hot tonight,
the mood is right,
water oozes from a mouth,
as he moves straight to the south,
once there, finds me open and wet,
wilder than I could ever get...

Honey is hard tonight,
orders to hold it tight,
once it gets within,
I get into a spin,
it doesn't have to shove,
it  slips just like a glove,

Past the moment we become one,
never ever think it's done,
not yet time to stop,
lay down, again,
I'll set it up...

lundi 1 novembre 2010

The forgotten dream

Forgotten, as if you've never been.
Like a bird with broken wings, forgotten.
Like a deserted temple.
Like a passing love.
Like a weeping rose in the darkness of the night, forgotten...

And now, as you wake up,
you remember the swan lake you saw in your dream.
Did you see that swan dancing?
Did you hear it scream?
Did you see it spread its wings?
Did you believe for just one second it could fly?
Did you only notice the curse that is stuck behind?..

So you think you saw a phoenix..
Did it call your name from above?
You think you saw the dawn..
Did it rise between the fingers of the one you love?
Did you touch the dream with your own two hands?
Or did you just let the dream dream on its own...
Did you just let the dream dream alone?
The dream dreams alone.. alone it stands...

That's not the way dreamers act.
Dreamers keep on living in their dreams; that's a fact.
Tell me how you were living in your dream;
I'll tell you who you are..
How would you react?

Now that you're awake,
you recall and wonder...
Did you believe that dreamt emotions are fake?
Did you forget the life you lived in your slumber?
Do you miss the dream that you forsake?
If you do, then just close your eyes and remember
that, once upon a dream, there was a swan lake...

I'm on my way following someone.
Drawing my dreams with the words he scatters on my story.
He's lighting the way to the next dream giver that will come.
And the story is going on.
The story never ends.
The dream is never done.
A trace of you remains.
Like finger prints on a draft of a poem left undone.

You're forgotten as if you've never been
a haunting presence betweeen the lines.
Forgotten, as if you never came.
Forgotten as if you've never gone...